Abdullah Novel By Hashim Nadeem

“Abdullah” is a popular spiritual novel written by the up-and-coming Urdu author Hashim Nadeem. It has become one of the most widely read and well-liked novels in the Urdu language’s popular fiction genre. The book was published by Jahangir Book Depot in 2009 and has since gained a significant readership and much appreciation for its storytelling and themes.


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The main idea of “Abdullah” is about a man’s journey from worldly love (Ishq-e-Majaazi) to divine love (Ishq-e-Haqiqi). It is a novel that explores questions about spirituality and the divine.

The main character is a young man named Sahir, who comes from a wealthy family. He falls in love at first sight with a sweet and shy girl named Zohra. At first, the story seems like a typical romance novel. However, it quickly becomes clear that this is not just a story about a boy and a girl meeting, falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after. In this novel, love is not just about the physical connection between two people. Instead, it is about searching for and connecting with the soul of your beloved.

The author takes us through different phases of Sahir’s life, where he meets various characters and experiences different adventures. A kind old saint named Sultan Baba accompanies Sahir on his journey and teaches him about the difference between worldly love and divine love. As they travel together, we encounter many mysterious tales and characters that encourage us to think about love and spirituality in new ways.

The main idea of “Abdullah” is about a man’s journey from worldly love (Ishq-e-Majaazi) to divine love (Ishq-e-Haqiqi). This novel explores questions about spirituality and the divine.

The story’s main character is a young man named Sahir, who comes from a wealthy family. He falls in love at first sight with a sweet and shy girl named Zohra. At first, the story seems like a typical romance novel. However, it quickly becomes clear that this is not just a story about a boy and girl meeting, falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after. In this novel, love is not just about a physical connection between two people. Instead, it is about searching for and connecting with the soul of your beloved.

The author takes us through different phases of Sahir’s life, where he meets various characters and experiences different adventures. A kind old saint named Sultan Baba accompanies Sahir on his journey and teaches him about the difference between worldly love and divine love. As they travel together, we encounter many mysterious tales and characters that make us think about love and spirituality in new ways.

In summary, this novel is about love, spirituality, and Sufism. “Abdullah” is not just a romance novel, but it has all the qualities of a great romance story.

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You can read this novel online or download the complete “Abdullah” novel by Hashim Nadeem in PDF format for offline reading. Please use the links below to either read online or download the book.

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